
Friday, March 30, 2012

Foggy day now gone!

So, Sun's out, it's fine and time to try my first circuit of the block and walk up to town!

Looking down the street.

We'll go up the street!

Main town intersection.

Down to the Post Office.

Across to the News Agency (its "Lotto" weekend).

 Up the hill past the court house to home.

Denny enjoyed the walk in the sun - I'm perspiring, puffing and panting but the old lungs got a workout. Time to sit out in the sun and have some soup for lunch!


Anonymous said...

Well done. Who needs the exercise? You. Denny or both? Don't you feel great after a walk though? Sue

JohnD said...

Both of us needed the exercise - he's really missed his walks - and i needed to get those lungs pumping. Feel great - I was simply knackered! LOL!